There’s a moment when we almost caught back in a tangled web of deception that
losed to starting the next world war as A.U.S submarine USS Tampa Bay which
following an Akula-class Russian subs gone vanished in the arctic which
mysteriously, leads to the new mission of investigation on the shoulder of the
newly-promoted unorthodox commander Joe Glass for leading USS Arkansas
submarine to go there almost nearly close to the same timing mission for Navy
Seal team observing the Russian naval base by doing the HALO drop only to
witnessing later, the defense minister conducting coup d’etat taking his own
president Zakarin prisoner while trying to trigger wars with US. Hunter Killer
based on action thriller novel as movie starring Gerard Butler, Gary Oldman and
directed by Donovan Marsh isn’t a bad film after all cause the audience would
always being underwater following the story and the near death experience to
surviving while you’re being shot down by war-heads torpedo by the opponent
within the music compositions from Trevor Morris channeling for the consistency
track-lists like Under The Ice, Oceans Bottom, Final Countdown, Tajikistan,
Victory/I’m Looking at Him as well as Glass Meets Beaman deeper dark floor of
the sea or the shallow avoiding in precise away from the swarming of sea-mines
during the small entrance of the hidden underwater ravine as well saving the
captain and some crew off the sinking Russian subs. Destroyer attacks on USS
Arkansas stopped by Capt. Andropov communication to force his troops hold the
war while President Zakarin also carried inside the US subs going aboard to
tell the world about the real event happening to his government that day.
the Durov’s naval base being subsequently, destroyed – the surviving crew
respects themselves in a bid farewell, stopping both superpower countries from
bigger confrontation.
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