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Uppsnack Julpotpurri (Spinnup 2016)

   Calling them one by one as Elvis Koskinen, Jan Francisco or Martin Bianco or anything else glamour and sparkles like the city of Las Vegas and yes, Lars Vegas Trio is your choice for celebrating Christmas in more cheerful way while gambling. Erik Koskinen, Lars Gustafsson and Lars Vegas are one within Lars Vegas Trio catchy name, during their gigs and over five hundred shows by reputation begins the entire career of them as Femte Advent won’t really be thus timing to wait in silent vain but joyous acts in street cabaret/Ska Pop and stage music to spend time with hearing as period of tunes gives you good vibes to dance or humming while cooking for Christmas dinner and hang-out to drunk a lot. 

   Salsakurs Tll Jul doesn’t have to wait for the next july or Kalle Och Hans Vanner is a live recording for the audience as well as story-telling Arets Julklapp presenting the views to the snowy lapp land on the north but as sunny hot as vegas lights it will be. Gloggrecept to Bjallerklang – Live in shorter duration won’t spoiling your course language to interprets or translate those Swedish lyrics while hopping and dance crazy; hang all thus red socks and little santa dolls before midnight ! 

Femte Advent:

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