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Hotel Room Miss (Capitol/Universal 2018)

   Girls might having a sudden warmth loving feelings for him as appearance looking good but misplaced to be honest form in terms of born as British song-writer and singer is Calum Scott sophisticated voice that walks in between the vibrating popular or catchy as little less phenomenal for listening rides or day-dreaming while bored to study or even in the middle of nowhere looking in for something precious fixing via his performance single and radio hits felt almost Christian modern based tunes You Are The Reason taken off this debut album Only Human from this guy for (special edition). 

   As Synth-Pop replacing slowly the R&B tag-labeling there as Electronic mixes to Rhythm and Blues to soulful crest and popular rock softer sides filling in the romance gone ashtray or happiness at the end of the tunnel or even the struggling on how making things right from the modern perspectives felt lesser gripping but on the same time addictive to masses loves more and more looking for new superstar like the themed reasoning on If Our Love is Wrong, Come Back Home, Rhythm Inside, Give Me Something which so dance-able; Won’t Let You Down, Only You as well as Not Dark Yet doesn’t make this man’s movement gains to Bob Dylan genius but by far it’s a great addition for Pop culture televisions for prolong advertisement selling dreams to hidden talents of the globe to shine like Calum Scott’s singing contest achievement. 

Only Human (special edition):

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