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Pharisaical Friend (Not On Label 1996)

   Over the past members to the newest line-up changes was the history of career for the Hard Rock group with Lee Guthrie (vocals), Ken Maris (keyboards) to Tim Laroche on guitars or the replacement like Brent Millsop, guitarist/folk instruments Marshall Lacharias, Steve Gardine to Brian Lutes for drums/percussion and bass guitar player Chad Everett – the Ottawa-Canadians supplier of Glam-Rock meets Prog-Pop Rock and their proof from the bad years of the late nineties for Hair Rock because of the Grunge attacks; made this good purposes and proposal album number three from Siloam (band) goes straight to the ground even though the lonely naked kid hiding cave-like place and the ornaments from the fun-fair and lights outside searching for living-forms gets your head thinking about the possibilities as well as thus powerhouse tracks such as Dignity, Tell Me World, Mandy Somewhere I’ll Be Free, Rose Among The Thorns and Dreamer’s Pie or In The Ghetto gives us their lasted lasting spirits and breath showing the Hard Rock displays and groovy bluesy to hardy har-har music soundscape but Crock may rest in the real fanatic fans of Heavy Rock and Heavy Metal collections just like the next century this shall go classics again for the newer generations, fairly.


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