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Skelter Helter Foxy (1-2-3-4 Go! Records 2011)

   Trumpet and brass-sections onto thus Power-Pop band camping off Seattle, Washington with former idealistic ideas from Steve E. Nix during his own hiatus made these new project rehearsal and unit of more seminal aggressive but poppy Punk/Ska strikes with the formation of Josh Blisters (drums, backing vocals), Steve E. Nix (lead guitars), Duffy McGuire (tambourine), Brian Yeager (guitars, backing vocals), Prisilia Ray (backing vocals, tambourine) and Kicks (bass, lead vocals) as The Cute Lepers seems to peeping out from the old housing windows to the outside beauty with umbrella because it’s not safe there but the boredom is killing them inside to struck out and blasting musical sounds and the record - Adventure Time seems to be the latest recording of sing-along and anthemic tunes collection recorded by the band glorifying their Punk-Rock protests stories about the globe in All This Attention is Killing Me, Noisy Song, Damaging Acts, Tribute to Charlie, Head Over Heels and as well I Can’t Do Things with the classic melodies solo and mid-tempo fast riffs above the inclusive modern tales to tell to the audience and hoping to shape the entire better days society to stop Misdirected and Ambulance Man from taking lives of the precious clever listeners. 

Adventure Time:

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