Gone into the fully passionate
moments of greater messy screams and growls over thus performance on this
Montreal’s defonce-team home-towners crew: Ateve and Alex on guitars, Max the
drummer, Alex on bass/vocals and lead vocalist Jonathan reading their commence released
as recording in mixture of Hardcore, post-Punk and Sludge recorded and mixed by
Guillaume Carlfalstro available in every French lyrics extreme metallic tunes
off the statue status and black and white picturing of a naked goddess as well
as gray skies crawling and breaks onto thin air version of depressing tales
based over the themed tracks under Leviathan, Juste, Le Journal De Ricardo Lopez
and Bleu Et Violet taken from La Maniere Noire album completed within the
melodic and crusher riffs combines as these Quebec’s Nous Etions emotions rumbling
their stomper feet and shaking the stage with eccentric mysteries follows the
artistic cover of the release.

La Maniere Noire:
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