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Railings Golden (Bandcamp 2016)

   Fixing the broken crossover into Electronic and Math-Core fusion outside their revenger mixtures about how the record composed as performed by the group – Under The Bed portraying the infinite crimes against childhood as being perpetrating pictured over the anger on non-Pop but Alternative Metal screamo style and monotonous plus highly infectious tempos in return of this five-piece rockheads written lyrics and sounds blasts from the performance of Armando Marchetti (vocals, guitar, programming), Federico Morandi (bass, backing vocals), Joshua Pettinicchio (raw/backing vocals), Michele Bertocchini (guitars) and Andrea Bruciati (drums) via Two Is A Lie means something’s really wrong with romance today as well as the dry playground visionary looks creepy with the inhabitant creature-like octopus from the bad lands ready to snatch innocents right on time; into the mouth of the beast hiding behind the lights and no genres should be fit enough describing Hatespeare, The Time, Aphelion/Periphelion, Keep Daydreaming ('Til You Make It Real) onto Something in The River of Blood and Florence on Friday gave the endorphin out to air rotted facts off these Montecatini Terme, Italy crew telling about their old stuff, their monsters that they're afraid off and their darkest secrets naming them all - Under The Bed ...

So grab the flashlight and have a peek the scariest melodies.

Two Is A Lie:

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