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37, Nr. 6 (Ultra Eczema 2017)

   Errie atmosphere of old days romantic in Europe's dark days meet the symphonic module section re-make well to avoiding people from not depressed and killing themselves might be the scars alleged into the ambitious recording did by Mike Collino and his harmonic project on Classics temporary measurement through the compositions inspired as the creation of Frederic Chopin which entitled Chopin here and Dog Lady Island of Michelangelo Nero alias fake name perhaps would drifting your imagination over the eccentric experimental music release that sounding darker, expressive and as well – unwell to hear on this.

   The mixtures of grand piano haunting tunes to the strings arrangements for contemporary vinyl grabs everyone who likes the original to listening closer to this improvements as Nocturne Op. 9, Nr. 1 to Prelude Op. 28, Nr. 4 or Nocturne Op. 55, Nr. 1 regarding more hidden mysteries onto beauty reveals as minor melodies complex shall buried your burden down or your lifeless body since the minutes you found real happiness and tranquility beneath the inner sophisticated realm of Classical composing as artwork of abstract by Dennis Tyfus and mastering edition from Christophe Albertijn leads the eminence form of sad feelings to gorgeous old era back to coloring the life … pale and gray. 


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