Your goddamn parents, teachers, leaders and even yourself will definitely hate the motherfuckin' Anal Cunt. This insane grincore band from Newton, MA is the worst nightmare noise you'll ever heard in your fucking life. They're easily vomiting all the taboos lyrics among society as well as the members hatred towards humanity and their entirely aspect of this pathetic life had brought to the world.
Simplicity and straight forward freightening fuckin' deth fast-crust-punk and the core essence of Death fucking Metal would be like a giant troll slapping you in the face over and over again as you bleed.

So, enjoy the fucking explicit lyrics along the abnormal speed and title definitely will give you headache - You got date raped, The internet is gay, No, We Don't Want to Do a Split Seven Inch With Your Stupid Fucking Band, You look adopted and more. No thanks to Seth Putnam for spitting out dumber madness and growls; also no thanks, to anyone who thinks Anal Cunt kick-ass.
No thanks to those who think they're fucking better than others and thanks to ourselves for saying "Fuck YOU, I Like it when You Die !"
(NO) R.I.P - Seth Putnam (1969 - 2011)
May you rot in hell ...
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