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Our Little Heaven Close (Columbia Records 1992)


The original Buffy The Vampire Slayer starring the blondie delicious Kristy Swanson as an ordinary cheerleader living in a perfect peaceful town with lots of friends, shopping time and enjoy herself for being famous daily, suddenly - changed when a mysterious man showing up to tell her that she should preparing for the incoming terror storm caused by a powerful local vampire king Lothos as he led his army of those bloodsucking creatures to conquering her town. Buffy got abandoned by most of her friends but still there are hope of help coming from Oliver played by Luke Perry. This teenager horror movie might a little bit silly or not so romantic but eventually, the original motion picture soundtrack: Buffy The Vampire Slayer would do good for your ears. Ozzy Osbourne, Matthew Sweet, Susanna Hoffs of The bangles and even Rob Halford are there on list - helping Buffy surviving her fight against Lothos and his followers and save Hemery High School and the rest of the town for good. You will see stakes and blood and fangs and some semi-seduction scene along with the great choices of songs from Diviniyls' I ani't gonna eat out my heart anymore to Zap City by The Cult.

    You decided who'd you gonna bite now ...


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