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Dragons Realization Path (InsideOut Music 2008)

The magnificent seven: Mark Trueack, Sean Timms, Matt Williams, Tim Irrgang, David Hopgood, Craig Kelly and Daniel Burgess decided to establish their Progressive Jazz-Rock group Unitopia in Adelaide, Australia maybe with one hope which is as one thing where they can creatively creating music through experimental of sounds. Some might quickly relating them with Dream Theater or Rush but the more you’ll listening to the more you realized that there are more to delivers from this awesome band. Through their studio album The Garden; the exploration continues wilder within power groovy symphonies and mythical lyrics taking us away onto the dreamland and peaceful blue sky and greenish nature. The combination between musci instruments creating massive explosion which is a delighted strong tracks with long player to player solo jams tracing on songs like Journey’s Friend that parted in five sub-titles turning music into stories-telling which is well-done by Unitopia really good.
Chick Korea meets Yes in reverse ...


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