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Bohemyth Sink (Dark Fantasy Records 2013)

   Blood on The Dance Floor sick duo Dahvie Vanity (vocals, keyboards, guitars, bass) and Jayy von Monroe (vocals) are trying to be honest to themselves not to waste your time away but spending it for their purposes only.
   A solid combination of random face-paints and dubstep crunk EDM music might make you dizzy and vomiting hard but some probably, already hates them by loving every single beats in their music.
   Blasting tempos and plenty hyper-amplified tones will definitely matched to lighten up the pool party riot and bikini barbeque or lap-dance birthday and so on.
   On Bad Blood album, B.o.t.D.F are talking alot about trashing and tearing thigns by stumbled in an inappropriate time and places with chaotic lyrics to burn the critics and the liars and reclaiming back the media using their hillarious glam-tracks like Fake is the new trend, Damaged, Crucified by your lies and Sick sad world and Everyone dies alone.
   Not a smart moves to befriending the rest of the world but it’s effective by far, to shitting up your opponents of haters for free-ads and bull-shit trashtalks for gaining fortune and fame in this mad fuckin’ world !


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