Built to establishing the intense and crazy band's views for legalize Bondage and Discipline or Sadism/Masochism into the general music culture that erupts controversy along their Rock career life as The Cramps - these notorious Alternative Goth and Rockabilly group seems to not give a fuck about every single negative comments and harsh critics toward themselves since the beginning of nineties. Led by the eccentric dirty minded frontman Lux Interior for having ejaculated whips or blowjobs with the curly sexy kinky guitarist Kristy Wallace alias Poison Ivy and the rest of the band - the weirdy Slim Chance (bass) and drummer Harry Drumdini whose never afraid to do what they wanted to do on stage or personal lives. The releasing of their in-famous Flamejob album would be the ultimate show-off force on making Sado-Masochism their fully lifestyle and this rude-rockers only wanted to sharing it with their beloved fans only - completed with the super sensual sexy flaming artworks on the inlays and the standard Psycho-billy Garage Punk mixes that calling everyone to get naked and sexually torturing each other with a smile and limitless forbidden love giveaways. The results would be devastated even when because of the hard censorship from non-profit and governmental organizations already having their ass burned because of the latent furor of this dangerous recording dissapointly influenced the record-selling; only to crowning Flamejob more fame for being considerable as "banned rock records" as the fans grower and the band's name getting well-known by the International Alternative Rock scene liking their "dirty sexual" tracks like Let's Get The F*cked Up,
Naked Girl Falling Down The Stairs, Swing The Big Eyed Rabbit, Inside Out And Upside Down (With You) and more sarcastic and soft violence materials concluded in special packages - ready to burn your lust out to conquering the licky learner or suffocates by a strangler.
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