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Misanthropolis Elements (Spikefarm Records 2006)


   Through the third recording Anatomy of Life; the Finnish's Melodic Death Metal outfit Noumena which consisting of five piece metalheads seems to gaining more force powerful enough to blowing up your mind by plotting this very well production of record from the music, the theme and artworks to the sounds. This Ahtari's seminal band shall giving you the true example of how Melodic Death Metal should sounded like - heavy, focused and stay mysterious that providing the metal fans an essential experiences for a goddamn great album to collecting for their catalog. Nothing would be miraculous than one or more listeners feeling gladly satistifed with their choices to have the best Death Metal performance just like Noumena did on this album. Antti Haapanen, Tuukka Tuomela, Ville Lamminaho, Hannu Savolainen and Ilkka Unnbom must be praised as some of the new Metal Gods from the North whose chaotically keeping the true ruling faith of our Heavy Metal Music alive and didn't sound sucks. Praising the devastating terror tracks of Burden Of Solacement or Monument Of Pain or Triumph And Loss which restlessly carrying the bow, shield and arrows and swords into battle - ready to exploring the new world crossing borders and killing heathens and barbarians for Gods and Goddesses names. We got the perfect growler mix with clean female voice here and the damnation grinding tempos and the calmness while storming the enemy's gates with fire and steel; spilling blood and conquer.

Anatomy of Life:

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