gloomy like the most irritating and suicidal parts off Nick Cave and his Bad
Seeds army trying to making assures that this kind of ritualistic Indie Pop
Music would definitely becoming a command for lesser people to avoiding
themselves from turning to be a loyal fan-based listeners to this sad-theme
rhythmic of a slow-diving crooked path band like The Black Heart Procession on
their debut album 1 (One). The beginning of the end and the last of the lost
souls singing the sorrow must be related to only this type of performance made
by the San Diego, CA band as most of the tracks lyrics and music written by the
infamous creative head of Pall Jenkins and these notable sadder touches
harmonic corruptions on eleven songs might be the chosen few for you to ended
up yourself in the meantime of this ever changing season of a modern pathetic
life to bare by some. We got to hear the traumatic effects granted on The Witer
or The Old Kind of Summer through the pale plainly suffering vocals from either
Jen Wood or Pall A. Jenkins along with the less-emotional added onto the organ
or guitar sounds challenging the millennium with these seductive to wrist’s
slashing moody tracks recorded on this album like Square Heart, In A Tin Flask,
Release My Heart and The Winter My Heart Froze. Entering the mellowed gates of
freeing your mind from those memorable feelings attached.
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