As the Crazy Dave’s Greeting emerges as you hearing him means that the game must begin too as the brain-eater zombies with various types coming in waves to destroying your garden and pool as well as eating your fighting vegetables and fungus to invading your small house and chewing your delicious brain’s out in Plants Vs. Zombies Original Soundtrack written, played and composed by Laura Shigihara; a talented musician whom dedicated herself for making lots of gamer tracks and background music as this album of her based on the best selling videogame with the same title consisting of some boggling, intensively fun, mesmerizing or weirdy but to be honest, Laura already making her breakthrough masterpiece music right here.

Crazy Dave inviting you to come and play and Laura Shigihara letting you to enjoy the game upper game levels through her musical performance with Zen Garden, Grasswalk, Brainiac Maniac and Loonboon.
Your kids are going to love this !
Plants vs, Zombies Original Soundtrack:
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