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Ephemeral Doctrine (Self-Released 2014)


   Six minutes of The Cyber Construct – an opening track from these Dublin, Ireland’s Symphonic Death Metal with Doom influences will be granted for your pleasurements listening time as your ears feasting upon the growler vocals, deafening pounds like apocalypse coming this month and the rest would be history.

   Meet this project of one man Extreme Metal band – Sonus Mortis releasing his greatest debut album and naming it Propaganda Dream Sequence; the total annihilates art of murderous Heavy Metal music in its most extreme format credible to perfectly giving perception about how humanity shall become enslaved by their own invention in the near future such as super computer and artificial intelligence programs, describing in the worst horrific ways possible by Death Metal through double pedals aggressions, darker riffs and killer sounds made only by this hooded hero musician named Kevin Byrne. 

   Enters the blasphemous world of tomorrow where you can be your own god but fully controllable by the massive machine as well the rest of the globe under its command or die. 

   Take a quite long time and listens to the grinding tracks of To Lament Mourn and Regret, Automated Future and Decompression Countdown to make yourself believe that this metalhead visionary about the day after a thousand years of prosperity already coming towards our modern lives and the alerting sirens for that should gladly be the obscene obscurity through this mixing of Death Metal and Doomy sounds releasing the storyboard via your melting stereo.  


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