Behold the night approaching with black clouds hanging like curses from afar place ready to showing the Pagan Black Metal’s judgements upon the dwellers as thus things produced by one man project Yaromisi from Truskavets, Lviv in Ukraine as he calling himself as Zgard whom also performing live all the music instruments; guitars, harp, keyboards, programming and vocals and the audiences shall never wanted to have it better than this within Zgard’s themes worshipping thus heathen mysticism, Carpathian legends and myths and the cleaner distortion sounds filling the imagination of its listeners with the magic lights blessing from the Moon Rituals event held under the mountain of sacred knowledge passing through human’s mind via the transferring beams from the dark skies as the planet filling up with the totalitarian symphonies of both ancient and blasphemy against the modern world ignorance inside this album – Astral Glow; telling the stories spread to whom might listen the messages of Balance I The Universe, Stars in the Night Sky to Old Woods and more. Open your eyes and see the triumph of the old ways coming back to teaches us the truth which covered and erase by lies for centuries by the religious authorities.
Raise your horns and praise the architects and creators of the universe in Black Metal harmonies.
Astral Glow:
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