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Revolution D-Code (Dynamica 1993)


   Totally using insanity per bit seconds towards the blasting Industrial Music countdown marking the sounds over this album release by London's group Cubanate which formed long time ago off these quartet Marc Heal, Graham Rayner, Phil Barry and Steve Etheridge just like drawing the door for you the audiences to coming through this new dimension of the power mixing of noise totem made by the band experimentally non-mainstream at the moment which mostly caught the interest of gamers, hackers and computer addicts for praising this kind of sub-genre culture that influencing the stereotype since the early to the late nineties; Antimatter album must be a debut record which prelude the beginning about how Cubanate being known to the world - as the smart choices of samples and synths tempos blending the excessive Electro-noise with Rock machine leading the new format of the real outsider of underground marks for the society caught by fear and the loose-cannon technology as the situation above Earth didn't quite getting well with a hole of Ozone layer being tore apart over pollutants to the starvation among third world nations really put the gap on the line shown by these tracks of misfortune beats that collecting sorrow and crazy thoughts in a bowl of bargain resulting - Body Burn, Exert/Disorder, Sucker, Junky as well as Forceful.
   One not going to missed them cranking the online cyber-war just like a knife within two sharp on both sides ...


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