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Trioxincephallus (Razorback Records 2004)

   Deal or no deal - your Death Metal/Grindcore/Porn-core or anything out of this plural sickening world might deserved some applause for telling us the real truth that hurts everyone the most about how mankind is already so desperately ripped-off and out off the roots for being authentically human. We have decided that we shall become our own god - forcing our will against each other even it is meant to kill and torturing in the name of something. using their mixes of Grin-porn to Death N' Roll power-tools; Lord Gore which consisting of these quartet of the sickest Grinders ever exist in this realm: Gurge (vocals, guitars, bass), Colon Bowel (drums), Maniac Killer (guitar, bass) and SCSI (guitar, bass) truly didn't care about what the fucking people having in their minds for seeing or listening to this sarcastic brutal violent art-works where respects are dead and rotted somewhere and what's left only pain, terror of tortures and hatred towards the weaks and the Portland's band release of Resickened shall be an ultimate new national anthem for the new kinds of psycho breeds ready to taken over the normal life by time.
   Gastric Gore-Met, Brainfucker, Liquid Lunch, Trash-Hole and Human Bot-Fly would be our indicators to open our eyes wider and sees that the answer is certain for the nonsense community still not believing in the explosive madness happens all around the globe and inside every nicest man's head - only took a snap for turning them into sexual maniacs; driven by their big ego's and short dicks spraying cum; rapping or mutilates women.


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