Oldie combining of
both Javanese, Balinese and more of local heritage of Indonesian music with
Progressive Rock and Baroque sounds styles independently, would be considered
as one of the best recording artists from the country as Guruh Gipsy that was
created by Guruh Soekarnoputra contacting the band provides the teaming-up
which consisted of Keenen nasution on drums, Chrisye playing bass and sang
while Oding Nasution did the guitar parts and Roni Harahap (piano) and Abadi
Soesman on synthesizers with The Hutahuruk Sisters backing the vocals provided
within the releasing of their unique musical that you might would hear
somewhere or if you got a chance to collecting them as Dasabayu scripts
consisting of ten Balinese convey meanings and this band really can have their
own league somewhere aside with ELP, Yes and other worldwide Progressive Rock
society holding on to the event, emptiness, new, truth, eternal and agreements
which resulting this self-titled of Guruh Gipsy album. Opened by Indonesia
Maharddhika cuts out the fifteen minutes jamming progressions and neat solid
techniques and compositions; Chopin Larung or Barong Gundah as well as
Smaradhana (means passion) or Geger Gelgel – commotion in Gelgel that really
can rocks your souls off – sending your imaginations to an epic wandering to
the island of paradise where the sun always brightly shines and the soils
enriched with lives. Guruh Gipsy: https://youtu.be/39H2SK-b0sU
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