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Expressionless Feral (Independent 2014)

   Close your eyes for couple times and hope that the viewing on horrific event just about to coming worsen didn’t really happening up there as the terrible giant hole in the sky opens a pulsing vortex which related to the Sci-Fi and threatening cryptids being of the supreme and supernatural begins to crawling down their tentacles of blood-thirsty avenging towards the modern planet as for the background crushing Death Metal and Thrash Metal fusion played by Minneapolis, Minnesota crew called Antiverse within their high techniques and crucial soloist slithering mayhem tracks over Cosmic Horror album performed by the quartet of metallic dudes of anti-matter and pro-demise of the earth finishing what they’ve started as Jason Bauer on bass guitar, Mike Paradise behind the smashing extreme drum-sets; Carl Skildum on guitars/vocals/backing and Rocky De Vries on lead vocals roaring harder right after the almost silence approaching instrumental opening intro on Hostile Entities as the beginning of the terror-raging aliens and more giant scary creatures from another dimension raiding our skies that night.

   Listen to the ear-deafening or metallic extremity head-banging tracks of The Commutator, Novamancer, Apex Predator or The Beast of Bray Road crossing the edges of how mankind will not thinking on surviving this one as doomsday happens because of our own malfunctioned machine of the creation breaking the membrane of a border between the imaginative realm and the sick social reality somewhere in Bethlem. 

Cosmic Horror:

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