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Reign Of Steel (Butchered Records 2017)

   War and total bloodshed, screaming of death with suffering atmosphere smoking the entire most of your views over the planet as far as eyes can see looking troubled than before for the Toronto, Ontario’s Black/Daeth Metal session project called for being led by guitarist/vocalist Wolvesblood alone plus the additional musicians around his presence among the deader living onto pain and destructions as Visions of The Night is your choice to backing the soundtrack towards the high techniques and growler gore for the likes on Deicide, Eclipse Eternal and Will of The Ancient to Cannibal Corpse influences that get in contacts once one pressing play to the pick of the album by the band – Supreme Act Of War as the city streets are burning and thick smokes blurring everything about humanity ever achieved here within thus militaristic themes written and blasts out following the horror stories about Lurking in The Jungle, Struggle Through Loss, Allied Airpower which we already witnessing for centuries and nowadays happening news flash sacrificing thousands as Deus Vult means something terrible again to occurs within the clash of civilization or Western Trench Line that tells you the tales of mass-grave of dead soldiers forcing march to their sudden destruction or the Longinus spear myth that kept the amulet of pagan beliefs infecting the mind of greedy rulers to conquering and enslaves under the satanic riffs. 

Supreme Act Of War:

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