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Litourgiya 8 (Witching Hour Productions 2015)

Eight parts of Yekteniya tracks recorded inside this Polish’s Black/Doom Metal group which the members identity remained unknown as they’re calling themselves Batushka (meaning Father in English) relating to the closer cultural of Orthodox Slavonic language used by the band for their non-proposal acts of making thus blasphemous godless art of Extreme Metal noises which from the frist and beginning started by Batushka trio as the anti-Russian influences over the band’s nativeland and lives but definitely also not a christian oriented purpose just because the band wearing hooded mantles randomly associated with chirst followers monks locking themsleves in a monestry far from the closest town somewhere on the map. Emerging the collection of Doom Metal elements and the darker parts of Black Metal effects and influenced by more Gothic Metal with symphonies harking to spit towards heaven’s gate, capturing the pilgrimage angels and torturing them make them one of the kind for Batushka fanatic fans. The thick foggy shaken earth for drumming with double pedals and satanic chanting of spells and mantra filling the cold air as this hour ticking slower but the scary feelings will soon to be raising faster if you kept on following the annihilation total over the blasphemous actions and reaction leading the listeners to a slaughtered house where they’re all can be children of the lamb; being taken to meet your doom there or being smart and convert now to Batushka – to Satanism, to Liturgiya.

To the darkness falls we shall arise later ...


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