Both came from a very different
background of nation-wider and races and cultures but as theirs had the amusing
long historic tales to tell and learn; these duo of independent idealistic
artists decided to uniting the popular powers among them and one shall
witnessing how Francesco Cavaliere and Leile Hassan making the foggy odd dubs
but authentic as lights and sounds manage to get its dilemma solved and turning
thus indifference onto a single products of Italy/Egypt works or arts in a
Berlin/Belgium measuring album and songs of experimental Electronic, Dub,
Indie-Pop and Auto New Wave within the promising second recording release by
Sea Urchin through Yaqaza.
More and more titles and words that would making you
raising eyebrows because you didn’t understand the meaning but the songs did
their acceptances from some curious listeners as spoken melody or rhythmic trophy
of standard machinery popper music and live instruments filling thus reliable
world musical tracks like Ethiopian Steps, Child Warrior Demons Follow,
Yohoforo Felmaya or Nur meaning complex and also specific within the story
about east African tales, blood diamonds, enlightenments or the devil in
disguises among the modern society kept making mess and seducing them to do
sinful things and the simplicity of lives according from the other culture
views reveals within the album spawning in a beatable mystical way.
One eyed
truth denies and then, accepted after quite some times of experimental changes of
human-minds experience.
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