From Minneapolis, Minnesota comes the brutal-aggressive tracks of Metalcore from Martyr A.D - the newest young generations that lived long and loyal to Heavy Extreme Music only even for the short period of time waxing their musical career. having on board the Johnson Brothers - Joel Andrew and Charles Allan both on shredding paddock to female bassist Tara Johnson and drummer Justin James Kane with their leading role vocalist Michael James Fisketti as for the closing in of the end of their performance year the group releasing the last great recording studio album combining the tight influences from Hardcore and Death/Thrash Metal mix inside On Earth as It is in Hell; craking the blasts of total annihilate sounds based on anger, negative energy and the destruction of Planet Earth's from outside-in as doomsday predicted shall come home soon to the third planet from the sun. Make yourself uncomfortable for being used and tortures by The Serpent and The Flower, Late Night Faith Dealer that talks about lies spreading on the religious radios or Misery Dance and The Last Words of Any Meaning (part I Diagnosos) and (part II Terminal) ended up with The Dead Reprise.
Tell me that they're lying and the tracks are all lies if you dare ...
On Earth As It Is In Hell:
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